Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range

Looking for a cd player (redbook only). What would be your top 5 players in the 1000-2000$ price range.
Don't overlook the Sony XA9000ES at about $1350 used. It is also built like a tank and should last a lifetime,

With all your tube kit, you would benefit from a high resolution and neutral source which has good bass control and great dynamic snap. One possible answer is the Cambridge Audio 840C.
I would opt for the Raysonic, CEC, Naim, Audio Aero Prima (depending on what type of music you like) based on budget and buying new. I would avoid the Rega and I don't think the Cambridge pieces are all that good.

I would be tempted to go used and expand my list considerably for a much better, relatively late model unit. An Esoteric DV-50 would be a good choice as well as a whole slew of others. If you will consider used, you should repost so people can offer expanded recommendations on these.