

Over the years I have kept most, but not all, of the original-equipment boxes that came with my gear.  With that being said, I recently upgraded my speakers and plan to re-sell my older speakers. 

Q - Do the original speaker-boxes have value to potential buyers (for retail outlets? for over-seas markets? other?)

Thanks in advance for any insight...



Ag insider logo xs@2xinagroove

When I was considering trading in my speakers, the dealer asked, twice to make sure, that I had the original boxes as they'd probably end up shipping them. I'd even go so far as to double box them, if possible. 

The storage space above my car is full of empty boxes. 😄

All the best,

I also keep all the original boxes even thought it's a pain to find space at times.  Last year I sold a pair of Marlin Logan speaker I'd had for 20 years.  The buyer was amazed and pleased that the speakers came packed in OEM boxes.  

Yes definitely, they are valuable. Shipping stuff like speakers gets really challenging without them. Many companies actually have new boxes for old equipment… I think Pass does. 

I tried selling some old ugly black ribbon speakers and the cost of constructing shipping crated was a couple hundred dollars. My speakers now have an incredible polished red violin wood finish… with out a single scuff or scratch. I cannot imagine transporting them without the original packaging. 

I don't know about potential buyers, but they certainly have value to you. You need them to ship the speakers.

i agree w @roxy54