So Weird- No Stylus Contact Woofer Pumping with Hana ML and Elac PPA-2

I observed the weirdest thing I have ever seen in audio. With the cartridge positioned above the record, tone arm locked up and platter spinning, the woofers were pumping on my system. I googled every permutation of query I could think of but came back with no hits. That’s when I decided to video the problem- link below:

Mystery Woofer Pumping

I could type out all the details but the video pretty much covers everything. I thought ya’ll might be interested in this.



I’m voting on static buildup. The filth on your records is the tell. I’d be interested to check the humidity of your house, the carpet (or rug) between your record storage and turntable, what kind of shoes you do (or do not) wear, if you wet-wash or simply dry brush your records, etc. I’m assuming whatever you are doing before putting the vinyl on the platter is leaving one heck of a charge on your record. The other questions remain: Did the single ended connection really solve your problem?  Did the rewiring create a better ground path? Why do people feel the need to comment without watching your video?

@mitchellcp , I missed that part. Very interesting. Is it the stock mat? Did Yamaha put the magnet in the mat?? Take any old magnet and scan the mat with it. 

Right, you are using a Funk Firm mat. Take a movie of the pumping take the mat off and put it on up side down see and take another movie, see if the rhythm of the pumping remains the same. 

You might also check with Funk Firm to see if there is any metal in the mat. There could be metal fibers (steel wool)  in the mat to remove static from the record. 

He’d have to reinstall the XLRs and switch to balanced mode on his preamp in order to revisit the problem, and he prefers not to do that. So further conjecture is futile.