Whittling down my choices to a final few pair...

Good evening Agon,

I know it's extremely difficult to recommend a speaker sight unseen; even more so to estimate the dynamics in a room with furnishings and other flotsam that could impact the sound.

My beloved bride and I are down to the last few pairs of speakers (I'm rolling the proverbial dice on all of these, going by Internet Opinions and such rather than the opportunity for actual listening, since we're in a unique situation)

Our room is 20x30x10' high.  The speakers would be positioned off the 20' wall and ideally toed-in or otherwise manipulated to sound optimal.

We're down to:

  • Legacy Aeris
  • Eggleston Savoy SE
  • Wilson Sasha DAW
  • Wilson Maxx

In no particular order.

Our previous speakers were franken-Jubilee's, which had a beautiful tendency to disappear and allow a moderate listening volume without interrupting conversations.

Given the above list, I'd appreciate your guidance.  Thank you so much in advance.


Simple. You and your bride take a trip to a nearby city where you can have a romantic weekend and drop in to audio stores where you have scheduled auditions to these speakers.

Buying any of these without experiencing them is crazy. If you are both invested in the sound… you must hear them.


Personally I’d go for the Eggelston… but that is me. Not in any way likely to be you. 

@fthompson251 I have an ATI 4007 currently however I'm looking into the Benchmark AHB2 and Boxem amps.

@ghdprentice Not a bad idea, Houston can be romantic. Thank you