@yogiboy Thanks. That may be a viable route after all my searching/thinking.
@ditusa Appreciate it! Yes, at $1k Schiit might be it. Now it’s head to head against Van Alstine. Hmmm. Schiit Freya+ vs. Van Alstine RB -- quite the contest.
@audphile1 There’s no chance I’m selling both tube preamps. My tube preamp is quite amazing. Custom built with great parts and inspired by a classic deHavilland model with outstanding 6SN7 tube. But having an SS preamp to match the Pass is interesting. Some don’t think that Pass preamps are really all that great. Many spending in that region much prefer Ayre, and I’d be inclined to try Ayre, first.
@bosssound I like the design and features of Parasound a lot. If I was spending $4k, though, I’d look at Ayre, first.
The Emotiva looks interesting, too.