Soix’s suggestion at $3100 is good, too... the system he suggests will be amazing and be totally satisfying, both for two-channel stereo music listening and for video watching in surround - a system like that and you'd be "done" for a long time. Just get basic speaker wire and basic decent cables (don't waste your limited budget on things that will get you only small tweaks: focus on the heart: the speakers and the amp)
(most - almost all, actually, with some few exceptions - music is engineered for two-channel playback)
Another couple thoughts that come to mind: I recently went from using my blu-ray player for video streaming to a Roku Ultra (pretty inexpensive, about $120) and the picture and sound quality upgrade surprised me, as well as superior ease of use.. could be a moot point though if your TV is good at streaming. This way, I can use the less expensive bluray-roku combination of components instead of a much more expensive bluray player. That said, perhaps if I had a better bluray player in the first place, the roku wouldn't have made a difference... I can't attest to that. Also, know that a bluray player also doubles as a CD player, so if you do have those shiny discs you're covered.