Thanks for sharing your equipment. Very good choices.
There is a place under your user ID to put some photos and I’d your equipment. It is really helpful to us and you don’t have to keep reposting it.
Your experience with silver could be completely different with someone else. It is so equipment dependent and value dependent. When I started out my equipment was relatively inexpensive and solid state and my speakers were ribbon… really revealing. This was 40 - 50 years ago. Put silver on my system and I would go running from the room… and my partner would. All down from upstairs and tell me to turn it down… or off.
As I got better equipment.. I used silver coated copper… but it is not as simple as that. High quality interconnects use different dielectrics and geometries to refine the sound.
So, with your equipment, I am really happy to hear you have had increasingly better sound cables with silver in them.