HoloAudio STREAMER is out now

I've read lots of discussions about streamers, especially about how to get value for less than several thousand $$'s. The typical responses include Bluesound, Innuous, iFi, Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, and probably a couple others I'm missing. 

People LOVE the Holo Audio DAC's -- the May, the Spring, e.g. 

Now they have a streamer. It's less than $1k. I wonder if anyone has it or has compared it?



@charles1dad When I say it was "amazing" I am choosing that word carefully. That's how it sounded to me and to the experienced audiophile with whom I listened. In addition to building audio equipment (including amps, preamps, speakers, and his Intel NUC) he has extensive computer experience. This is his conclusion, also, and we went back and forth to compare. The Holo exceeded his best streamers after many years. So, that's my basis for the word "amazing."

Am I a professional reviewer with the experience of a Darko or Hans Beekhuysen? Not by a long shot. I am an amateur and only speaking to my experience. 

Would we agree that there are not that many options between the Bluesound Node and much more expensive streamers? Indeed, along that line of argument, you mention the Magna Mano Ultra MK III that impressed Hans Beekhuysen. Well, it is about $1500. The Holo Audio Streamer is about $800, nearly half the cost.

It would be great to get a comparison between the Magna Mano and the Holo. Because if the Holo is 8/10 as good as the Magna, and the Magna is 8/10ths as good as the Grimm MU1, well, that would be...amazing.


High praise indeed for a $800 streamer. IME, we often overlooked the other most important aspect of these ‘giant killers’ …..the user interface and associated complexities i.e. how many more boxes, LPS we need to make these giant killers sing. Does it have its own robust app that is easy to navigate or are we relying on 3rd parties apps. Would you mind giving us a full operating breakdown of Red.

@lalitk I didn't have control over the streamer and was mainly listening. It was operated using Roon.

I think a longer, more in depth review by a professional is needed.

One thing I suspect is happening is that the streamer is entering a more mature phase as a product. As with other electronics familiar to folks here, new, smart ways of designing and economizing what is necessary to sonic quality is being implemented. I could be wrong, but doing streaming well is not rocket science; what is needed is a scalable, intelligent approach to solving a number of issues at once. The Holo may be an advance which builds upon both the higher priced and lower priced models and is finding the market niche in between. Others will surely follow.  

“doing streaming well is not rocket science”

I agree, Raspberry Pi 4, Node 2 and iFI Zen Stream comes to mind. 

@lalitk I totally agree,  the user interface and associated complexities, is what seems to be a after thought for these manufacturers, and its the main reasons for keeping me looking and not committing to any right now. No one can seem to get it all on one simple app.

As quirky and low fi as Heos is, that's the only one I have tried that kind of covered it all.