So Weird- No Stylus Contact Woofer Pumping with Hana ML and Elac PPA-2

I observed the weirdest thing I have ever seen in audio. With the cartridge positioned above the record, tone arm locked up and platter spinning, the woofers were pumping on my system. I googled every permutation of query I could think of but came back with no hits. That’s when I decided to video the problem- link below:

Mystery Woofer Pumping

I could type out all the details but the video pretty much covers everything. I thought ya’ll might be interested in this.



sound like your cartridge/arm wiring is specific for SE output.

the correct wiring for balanced wiring supposely take (+) and (-) pins to pin 2 and ping 3 in XLR connector. if you want to use external grounding wire between TT and phono stage, leave TT side pin 1 of XLR connector idle (floating). Otherwise, connect TT ground to pin1 of the XLR connectors. 

Above balanced wiring assumes that on Phono stage side the pin 2/3 is connection to positive/negative side of balanced input (such as step up transformer primary), would not work for SE inputs (negative grounded).

"If the signal was sneaking in on the ground, then the SE is tying the phono stage to the TT. And the pin-1 being disconnected, is not tying the XLR to ground.
But this also would suggest that the XLR at the TT side may not be wired as push/pull and maybe has the out of phase side tied to ground?"

You lost me there, but I am not suggesting or even thinking that the signal is coming in on the ground connection. Quite the contrary, the balanced connection is floated (not attached to audio ground), and the phenomenon only occurred in balanced mode.

I ended up with a snow day so I assembled two XLR to RCA adapters. I also wired a conductor attached to pin 1 in each XLR that exits at the connector base. Think XLR with an external ground wire. I made a junction for the two ground wires ending in a single wire.

So let’s dive in:

Woofer Pumping in balanced mode is present and unaffected by the presence of a pin 1 tonearm ground connection. I tried first with the XLR ground extension attached at the preamp tonearm ground lug along with the conventional tonearm ground wire and second with the XLR ground and tonearm ground attached to each other but not attached to the preamp tonearm ground lug. Neither arrangement made the slightest difference.

It would appear the pin1 theory is exploded, which is sad because the solution would have been as simple as a reconfigured cable set.

Next up, Static Electricity. I forget who (sorry) but it was suggested that wiping a record with a dryer sheet might affect the pumping. I observed the pumping with only the mat  to get a visual baseline, then applied the dryer sheet while the platter was spinning. The amplitude of the woofer excursions diminished visibly while I was wiping the mat, I’d say by 80 to 90 percent.

It would appear that the correct answer is, levels of static electricity not enough to arc but enough to influence the Hana ML while operating in balanced mode.

This may be the first in AudioGon history - a thread with a resolution! Good stuff!