@roxy54, none of your components are the same as mine, as well as differences in our listening rooms and our preferences, so it’s not surprising our opinions of the F7 are different. In your original post you asked for other user experiences with the F7 and that’s what I’ve provided. You and I heard the same amp in two completely different systems, listening rooms, and ears and we have opposing opinions of the amp. If I heard the F7 in your system chances are I wouldn’t have liked it. If you heard the F7 in my system you might like it, and then again you might not. My main system has Harbeth M40.1 speakers that are warm and organic sounding to my preference. If you heard it, you might think it sounds like muck. Different strokes for different folks.
I bought my F7 from Mark at Reno HiFi. When I called him, my intentions were to buy the First Watt F8 or a XA25. TBH, I had never even given the F7 a thought. After telling him about my system and my preferences, he strongly recommended the F7. Mark told me he was a big fan of Klipsch speakers, and that his listening preference priorities were the same as mine while recommending the F7. I think his recommendation hit the nail squarely on the head.
Before getting the F7, my Cornwall’s mids and highs couldn’t come close to matching my M40.1. In particular, string tone didn’t sound as natural, female vocals were a bit harsher, sax didn’t sound as full in comparison to the Harbeths. The F7 has closed this gap by a substantial amount such that I don’t even think about the differences anymore and now I thoroughly enjoy listening to my Cornwall IVs.