Synergistic Research Master Fuse £565

Only saw this yesterday that Synergistic Research make a Master Fuse that costs £565. That's a heck of a lot of money for a fuse, and I am sure there are those that can afford them will purchase without hesitation.




I saw a “quantum” fuse for sale..

wow.. must get second mortgage to get that..



can anyone explain to me the purpose of a “dedicated power” system with huge awg, cost,marketing, all to feed a hair thin wire going through the fuse?

What does that wire weigh? A tenth of an ounce?

FFS a pure silver fuse would only cost around $20 -$40 in materiel.

Maybe use pure platinum? Then you could charge $100+?


Many years ago Stereophile reviewed an amp that had the option of wood knobs which the manufacture claimed provided better sound. A knob. This is along the same lines of silliness.

The microphonics from a metal knob just are not present with wooden knobs.

The extra $3000 for those wooden knobs is absolutely justified.