@raysmtb1 ..Threads like this make me yearn for a much simpler time. Like many years ago when we had tone controls. Everyone’s looking for a way to tweak their system these days. it was so much easier back in the day when you turn knob or push a slider.
Maybe it’s true that history repeats itself some times. You’re in Luck! No joke, a 50+ year in audio and audiophile buddy of mine, he’s had several amplifiers, solid state, many many tube amps (mainstream, custom, one-off builds), several Single-Ended-Triode amps (10+), and umpteen different tube preamplifiers (10+). He’s rotated through many speakers, and MORE TUBES and trying different coupling capacitors, more than anyone I’ve ever met in audio. To a ridiculous degree.
After buying a new tube preamp with "tone controls" last year, a few weeks ago he finally caved in and was ordering one these - now retired from rotating gear. And, does not give a hoot about measurements any more - just how it sounds to his ears.
Shared he wants to simply turn a knob, play music, change sound with a Remote Control. Tone controls, hey not a bad idea, back to "simpler times" - hahah. Out of Stock.