What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?

I'm on a mission to improve my vinyl front-end. Starting point is to replace the Graham 2.2 on my Basis Audio Debut Gold Vacuum, followed by a new compatible cartridge, next will be a different phonostage.

I like the Steelhead but I'm sure there's something better out there. I've around $8K  to play with and prefer to buy used. Has anyone stepped up from the Steelhead successfully, if so, what did you buy and how much of an improvement was it?

Appreciate any thoughts/ideas? 


You just send it to me to upgrade the unit.  We did one last year which came out stellar.  PM me if you want and I can see if the guy who we did it for will speak to you.  His was a basic upgrade.  We could have taken it to a entire better level.


Happy Listening.

@rooze I represent RADA and of you search will see their Precious One phono is highly regarded for an all tube design. Will want a ( good ) SUT for a lomc in this case.. For SS I agree, Moon is doing good work.





I have a Benz LPS. When you get ready to upgrade your cartridge you should consider MY Sonic Lab cartridges. The Signature Platinum was a significant upgrade.


You have a great turntable and cartridge. You ask a great question.

The phono stage has a huge impact on the sound you get from the turntable / cartridge. I would recommend an Audio Research PH-8 or higher…there is a PH-9, Also a level up I have the Reference 3 and Reference 3SE. I have had Audio Research phono stages for over thirty years… to me, they are the standard to judge others. Incredibly natural, dynamic, quiet. I have been using a Reference 3 and 3SE for the last few years, but the PH8 and beyond have been simply stunning.

Anyway, I highly recommend the highest level Audio Research you can get used.