Macintosch 8950 or parasound a21

I was looking for some advise on a new amplifier .I currently have a Line magnetic 508 1 A  tube integrated ,with a Aurender A10 Dac.I have a pair of klipsch Forte 3s and a pair of Tekton double impacts.The Klipsch sound a little fatiguing on the top to my ears sometimes ,I’m sure a lot of this probably has to do with my room.. I was wanting to try out a pair of 1.7 magnepans sometime in the future. I have admired the Mac equipment and considered trying out one of the integrated pieces and have heard good things about the 7200 integrated but was thinking if I went the Mac route the 8950 ,or the Ma 352 would be a better choice for me.I was told by a local guy that the parasound JC 2 BP with a a21 would sound good with my klipsch ,tektons and Maggie’s.I was curious if anyone has experience with this combo or the Macintosh 8950  or ma 352  and would  the Mac sound good with these speakers also?

Thx for help


Parasound is always pretty neutral. McIntosh MIGHT be neutral but I’ve also heard it be bright and harsh from the mid-treble upwards.  My experience with Mc has been so negative I don't really pay attention to model numbers anymore.

My strong suggestion is to listen for yourself because this effect is rather obvious and/or you may decide it is just right for you.

Having said all of that, a well treated room may be a much more effective and better solution for you overall than amp rolling right now.

MACs are shy in the high frequency / detail, so in this application would be a much better match. They are not neutral but bass / midrange heavy. A good match for the OP.

I think the parasound combo will be close to MAC  8950 integrated in price .I heard the macs sound good with the klipsch but haven’t heard them in person.Andrew Robison on YouTube gave the Mac 7200 a glowing review if that has any weight.I feel the klipsch sound a lot more open and live verses the Tekton DI  although the Tekton  sound good and the bass is more deep just looking for a good match for klipsch at this point I think and something I can use with some 1.7 Maggie’s at some point in future. I do need to improve the room for sure ,but will be limited to what I can do .I would like to add curtains to the wall of windows but I have forces working against me LOL

You need to slow down and explore the equipment you have and try to optimize it. 

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