Passive preamp vs. powered

I have a custom made passive pre-amp that I purchased from A-gon some months back for about $150. It only has a volume control and 2 inputs - perfect for my needs.

It sounds excellent...

My question is... what would be the advantage of a much more expensive powered pre-amp? Sure, maybe I would have powered switches and more inputs, but I don't need any. Are there some differences in sound quality that I'm not hearing?
You all make good points. Ralph, I think that's a very interesting observation - that the retrieval of ambient information effects the perception of truthfulness relating to imaging.
I think I know what ambient information means, it puts the instruments within a specific space or venue. So ambient information provides that additional sense of instruments in a particulat environment, not simply localization within a soundstage. If that is what it means, then it makes sense to me how this allows for some of sense of "truthfullness".

What I can say about gain is the improvement it can make to your system. I have an ML amp and 326S preamp, and I can set the preamp to o gain, 6db, 12db, and 18db. Each step up from zero improves the sound, I like the 12db, but I recently tried the 18Db, and what I have experienced is a more relaxed sound, more open, more dynamics in the bottom end, and just a more pleasant and natural sound without any downsides. 12Bd sounds more sharper and detailed but not as natural as the 18db, So gain does make a sonic impact which is why buying a new preamp with more gain than you had before will sound different for sure and most likely better. My vocals are now in the room with body and openness. I guess much less like a recording. So you need gain, yes lesser sounds detailed but not real like music sounds. 

Just a "shout out" to blindjim for what I thought (imop) was an insightful post.