Full range speakers, 40"-44" max height

I do not like tall speakers, especially when the tweeters sit high.

My height requirement fulfill speakers like Wilson Sophia, WP even Sasha or Meridian 7000 (but this is digital only).

Any other comparable ones in quality with the above?

And I need to stay under 10k used market.




thanks, you made me learn more about time alignment here.



so time alignment is about voice coil positioning, not speed of sound


" it is of utmost importance that, at the crossover frequency the outputs of both drivers should acoustically sum so as to be seamless, without any peaks or dips, otherwise the loudspeaker is said to colour the sound."

"the radiating surfaces (at the voice-coil or the dome/dust-cap depending on design, also known as the "acoustic centre") of the drivers are not in the same plane - the tweeter’s radiating surface is usually much forward of the woofer when both are mounted to the same flat panel."


stepped front or sloped front or tilted back: moving the tweeter voice coil somewhat back (from other drivers acoustic centers) seems to be advantageous.

Factory designs (stepped or sloped) presumably based on exact math of known drivers;

amateur tilt as I describe is a simple approximation.




Did you learn anything from the above names ?

The Dirty Dozen. 


Good luck

speaker polar patterns are an issue, particularly tweeters.

tweeters disbursement is narrower than mids and lows

horns can control/enhance directivity, I have T350's in my speakers


dome tweeters radiate equally narrow

POLAR PATTERNS https://www.audiofrog.com/dispersion-and-reflection/ scroll down, see the diagram, gradual narrowing of dispersion pattern as frequencies rise. he’s talking about cars, but it’s the same at home excerpt: "But the real deal here is not to be hoodwinked by someone’s BS suggestion that you should aim the speaker differently to fix a reflection problem. That’s only useful at the highest frequencies a speaker will play. Below that, it makes no difference." "So, in a 3-way system, which speaker should be aimed? Just the tweeter."

Post removed 

In this constrained category I only heard Wilsons and Meridian. And they sounded fantastic. I do not want to go into deep theory, absolutely no time for that, I leave it to the manufacturers. To me as an end user, the only thing that matters is the sound, I like it or not.

I guess I will need a new topic opened regarding analog players / recorders connectivity to Meridian DSP speakers.