Female vocalist recommendations

My morning routine starts at 530/am. Light breakfast, and my morning tea.

I then power up my audio system and listen to my morning favorites.

I love soothing female vocalists at this time of the morning.

Here are some of my favorites- Norah Jones-Jacintha-Abigail Lapell-Amber Rubarth-Anette Askvik-Margo Timmins-etc

I'm really looking for some other recommendations by the great minds on Agon.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated....and great recordings are a bonus.

Thanks in advance.



Eilen Jewel, one of the best talents no one has heard. Excellent band ( Jerry Miller is her guitarist ), and her recordings are all very good. Beautiful voice that covers jazz, country, blues ,rock.... Hard to pigeon hole, probably why she isn’t mainstream. If you try one new artist this year......


On weekends I am also a member of the Super Early Listening Club (SELC), starting at 3:30 - 4:00 AM. The power grid is better then.

You should try Kate Wolf, Kathleen Edwards, and Nancy Griffith. All are more toward the folk/bluegrass/country range.

Good listening!!

Jim Perry