Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"

I agree with Ray Charles.





Couldn't agree more with Ray!

Does Hip Hop fall into the same category?

At best, Rap is poetry intoned to a steady, repeating beat and, for the life of me, I can't make out what is being said, most of the time! Not my cup of tea! However, a lot of the younger folk like it. So, to each their own! Whatever floats your boat!

There is a great Bruce Willis movie (can't remember which one) where the bad guys finally catch old Bruce string him up by his arms with chains in some sort of dungeon. These bad guys want some sort of information from him but Bruce, ever the hero of course, just won't talk. During this torture scene, one of the bad guys, in desperation, says something like: "What do we need to do to finally make you talk?" Bruce responds with something like:  "Play some Rap." That about sums up why I need to hit the mute button on the remote when I hear it on the TV.

I love some pretty shitty music, full of archaic sexual innuendo, played to a very predictable repetitive musical structure, but I love it anyway.  That’s the Blues I’m talking about.  My Swing Era parents thought Jimi Hendrix was horrendous.  I personally was appalled by AC/DC at first.  I cannot deny the craft and skill that some rappers demonstrate, but as an art form of music, no thanks.  I like my sexual  references kept innuendo, and violence against women implied, not glorified.  I also prefer people to play, not sample.  Call me old fashioned.

Ray Charles…one of our greatest national treasures, but a whole generation or two adores this music, as I did his. But I do associate its rise in popularity with a certain decline in civility, engagement in intelligent discourse, obsession with celebrity, and worship of materialism.  So there’s that.

"But I do associate its rise in popularity with a certain decline in civility, engagement in intelligent discourse, obsession with celebrity, and worship of materialism.  So there’s that.'

Sounds like what was said about 80's hair metal or 70's glam rock, etc...

As often was the case, davedead, Jerry could cut through many topics & give a clear analysis in a very simple form. He was a highly talented musician who could play different styles of music at a high level & I respect his opinion on music.

It's clear from his interviews he was highly intelligent & it's unfortunate drugs got the better of him several times throughout his amazing life or, maybe, it was because of the drugs that his talent shone through so brightly? 

Many great musicians had a similar downfall / strength.......

I don’t think you can categized an entire class - rap is varied. That being said, I think it is fair to define what qualifies as music and what does not. Very subjective and a bit meaningless, but why not. Once those definitions are in place, sounds can be either music or not music. I have a teen son so I am exposed to lots of new "sounds" and some if it is not, IMO, music. For me, some rap is not music and some of the electronics (not sure what to even call it) is not music - may be call it random industrial sounds. Some rap and techno is great stuff though and is on my play list. Some rap does not make the play list even though I like the beat or sound of it because in some songs the lyrics are disgusting and/or violent. Ruins another wise interesting track.

I wanted to add that music does not exist in a vacuum.  It is a product of the artist and is influenced by their environment.  The link between the music and the artist and their environment is fascinating.  Compare classical to old time country music in the US to rap.  They both used what was available and what was popular is based on what appealed to the masses or the decision makers.  Segments of society choose/select the popular/famous music - so it is also a representation of that segment of society.  When we look at popular music it is a reflection of what appeals to that segment of society, what type of music could be make (instruments /training available) and music training/tutoring available.