Please help with setting up a streaming system

Hi guys and gals,

I would like to start streaming some high res and cd quality music. I am very computer illiterate so please take it easy on me. I would like to set something up fairly easy to use and not spend more than 2k. I currently have an older PS Audio PWD 2  with just the bridge card and the PWT memory player going to PrimaLuna mono blocks and pre amp. I would like to use my dac if it is still a viable solution because I really like the sound when the recording is decent. Can someone please offer some direction and experience with where to start?

Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions!



IMO, a new or used Innuos, Lumin or Auralic would put you far ahead of of the Blue Sound.

I'd also strongly recommend the Uptone Audio EtherRegen switch (to get rid of jitter-causing noise) placed just before the streamer. since the rest of your rig sounds pretty solid.

You could probably do both for a total under $2k.

Then some day spring for a newer DAC.

"The Music Room" or TMR has an Aurender N100 for sale right now for $1500. I just got their email today.


@ghdprentice : Hello. In a variety of threads related to streaming, I’ve taken note of your comments revealing that your music streaming has caught up with/surpassed your LP playback. This interests me. With due respect to this thread, which is streaming related, I’d like to ask about your journey to achieve this end. I’m very knowledgeable about stereo equipment in general, but in the category of computer based generation of audio, I am not! I believe you have gone into some details in the past, but I wasn’t fully paying attention because I love the sound of my LPs, and considered streaming background music. I have made the decision to put some more effort into improving the sound of the music I’m streaming. You are one of the few here, who appears to have initially been committed to vinyl, who has written that their streaming has become as good as their vinyl playback system. We all have our own preferences, but I’m ready to explore streaming a bit more seriously… as others may be too.. if for no other reason than convenience. I hope this fits within the context of this thread… since I am, also, looking for some direction on how to get to a higher ground with streaming my music!

So I have been looking at a lot of streamers in the under 2k range and there are a ton of different options out there. I have found a few of the Aurender N100s well with in price range with enough left over for an upgraded usb cable. I’m just wondering if this will be a safe bet to pull the trigger on since this model is a bit older compared to some of the other stuff out there? 


Let me see if I can summarize the last 40 years.


I bought a high end CD player when they came out and upgraded every few years, Nakamichi, Sony, Sonic Frontiers (tube CD player… 1995?). I traveled with CD players and headphone amps during the mid to late 90’s. I traveled internationally a lot. Then in in about 2002 started an office system with headphones and a iPod… then added portable DAC… headphone amp… PC… with different software… River… then a real DAC ($3.5K… in 2010). Then my home system added an $18K Sim Moon CD/DAC… around 2010)… streamed using a MacBook… unplugged so running on battery… shut down extra processes. Vinyl alway was soooo. Much better. I would channel surf ripped music… just not satisfying.

I bought an Aurlic Aries G2 streamer ~ 2018. Huge jump in sound quality. Finally, it was actually in the same world as vinyl. Still disappointing… but not terrible, as before… flat, trebly… anemic. Then I upgraded my streamer to an Aurender N100… way better than the Aurlic… then tried a Aurrender N10… much better… and bought a Aurender W20SE. Honestly, holy cow… finally we are talking real music.

The last really significant step was swapping my DAC to an Audio Research CD9SE… this finally raised the performance above my contemporary Linn LP12 ( Akurate… mid level, with a $3K+ isolation platform) with an Audio Research Reference 3 phono stage. Finally, digital was completely engaging. Tonally, sound stage, imaging… everything. What an odyssey. I also, had a Berkeley Alpha Reference DAC ($22K) in my system for several weeks. To my surprise the ARC REF CD9SE sounded almost identical… but the ARC was ever so slightly better… more musical.

So, over the last couple years I have done small upgrades to my analog end, tone arm, sub chassis, Phonostage to Reference 3SE. Each improved my analog end… but still they are on the same plain. This basically raised my turntable to the level of performance to the Linn Klimax… which is really very amazing. 

As a friend recently told me… “well, it depends on the recording… but, digit frequently sounds better.“ what it really means in terms of listening, is I choose what I want to listen to… which format is not relevant… a wonderful change from the past disappointing digital performance.

That is an extremely abbreviated version of my quest.