Better story teller than Edmund Fitzgerald?

There was a thread on A'gon about the most perfect song.  We had reasons for picking various, but for me it was Gordong Lightfoot's Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Perhaps it featured an aspect of song writing that no one else much cared for:  A deep and detailed story in the song.

So I ask you, A'goners, what songs are as good or better at telling a story of a historical event? 


i’ll go with Tom Petty’s ’GLORIA’ off the ’Live At The Filmore,1997".

it's deep.

it's detailed.

10 minutes of joy.

if there is a better story in a song i’ve not heard it. and i’m a big fan of "The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald".

if i need a pick me up a little ’GLORIA’ fixes it. and i smile.

“Cold Missouri Waters,” which is a telling about a real forest fire crew that got trapped by a fast moving fire is pretty good.

The story about Australian soldiers at Gallipoli in WW 1–“And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda” is another one I like.

THE EAGLES from their tour, singing “HOLE INTHE WORLD ” about their heartache arising from 9-11 that interrupted their recording session personally and it expresses the angst and deep wound emotionally of all Americans ( and also to we Canadians who also suffered many lives lost in the fall of the Twin Towers in NYC ) arising from that day of infamy event.