Small, Effective Subwoofers?

In a recent speaker thread that I started there were lots of suggestions of adding a couple of subwoofers to my system. As with my speakers (Legacy Signature SEs) I have little room to place subwoofers They will need to go directly to the left or directly to the right of the main speakers. To the left the maximum height would be 12". 12’ would be great on the outside as well, but I could squeeze a slightly bigger unit in there. Would two 12" subs be sufficient here, or would they be too small for this set up?

If 12’ is OK, do you all have any reasonably priced suggestions as did @nevada_matt withe his 2-10 offering from Tekton. I would have never found those on my own, thanks Matt!

I would be super open to some used subs as a cost savings measure here.


No personal experience but Klipsh just came out with a new sub series.

The smallest is a 10' with a -3db @ 19hz rating. List price is around $750.

Thanks Eric, did you read Legacy’s response to this elsewhere?


Did not, totally missed that.

I heard JL Audio D series subs at a guys house. It was only an 8 inch but it sounded really nice. Obviously not earth shattering bass but blended extremely well with his ATC monitors. 


I have 12" dual subs, F12s from Rythmick and they work flawlessly with my PBN Montana XPS speakers which are 4 ohms. Plenty enough bass with the right amount of slam and definition.

However, FYI, to obtain a non overly booming sound they had to be placed on opposite walls as you can see in my system. When they were placed by the speakers I would have this huge earth shaking tremor in the rear of the room. Just pointing it out because you say you have space issues for subs placement.

Also, I agree with the ones who say a more powerful amp can only help. I run the PBNs with 500 watts per channel @ 4 ohms amp.