I'm shocked

Despite my cynicism of anything I read in Stereophile I decided to follow up on their recommendation regarding the first generation of Sony Playstation 1s.
After a long search I got one for $15.00 added a HiFi Tuning Fuse, an upgraded power cord and used JPS Labs Superconductor FX interconnects and burned it in for 5 days. My spouse likes it even better than my Rega Jupiter 2000 which we both like quite a bit. And, in most respects I have to agree even though it's using somewhat lower quality interconnects and power cord than on my Rega. It is a pretty amazing CD player.
Anyone else try it?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjgiacalo
Sandy Gross of Def. Tech. used it to demo his
new STS supertowers as you'll see in the new
Stereophile. It cost him $25.00.
JA actually loved it...along with the DefTechs.
Jgiacalo or others: is it really true that the only model that does the trick is SCHP1001? I would assume that there are many other PS-1's out there. Is it that different?

Thanks, Peter
The SCHP1001 is the only one with the RCA audio output jacks. Subsequent PS1 models omitted the RCAs.