I'm shocked

Despite my cynicism of anything I read in Stereophile I decided to follow up on their recommendation regarding the first generation of Sony Playstation 1s.
After a long search I got one for $15.00 added a HiFi Tuning Fuse, an upgraded power cord and used JPS Labs Superconductor FX interconnects and burned it in for 5 days. My spouse likes it even better than my Rega Jupiter 2000 which we both like quite a bit. And, in most respects I have to agree even though it's using somewhat lower quality interconnects and power cord than on my Rega. It is a pretty amazing CD player.
Anyone else try it?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjgiacalo
The SCHP1001 is the only one with the RCA audio output jacks. Subsequent PS1 models omitted the RCAs.
Jgiacalo : the remote just plugs into the front slot. It will do pause and skip forward and back. Just search ps remote on ebay. I think they are labeled for ps2 but they work on the one also
I bought a 9001 at a garage sale for $15.00. True it only has the composite cable but this little thing is fantastic.It images well,has plenty of bass,and has a very sweet non CD sounding treble.Top loading for $15.00!
I am looking out for a 1001.
The remote can be used for play/pause,tracks,and fast search or rewind.Only thing it doesn't have is a readout for tracks. I assume that if you connected the video you could see the tracks on the TV.Not bothering.Too busy enjoying one of the best CD players I have heard.
I owned the US $7K Dynastation Dynavox II cd player which is based on the PS 1 but uses a trick NOS Tube output stage and tube rectification for the analog output. Absolutelty the BEST single box player I have ever heard or owned and that is a LONG list including playes and separates costing up to $30,000.00.

The only thing I thought was better was my Mac Mini feeding my Bidat and even then it was VERY VERY close with the Mac/Bidat combo having just a bit more energy which could easily get into personal tastes.

Personally I liked the Dynastation more than the AMR77, however, the AMR 77 was NOT the latest version of the player and did not have all the latest "goodness".