Just a comment to put this ripping thing in perspective.
I had 2,000 CDs. I could have spent… hundreds of hours converting them to computer files. Or, I could pay $12.99 / month to get access to the exact same files (sometimes the files are of higher resolution), and several million more, instantly. Qubuz (or Tidal).
Difficult question?
In reality, I had ripped my CDs starting about 20 years ago… many as I acquired them. Then stopped buying them five years ago I got rid of them last year.. But my point is technology has moved on. Ripping is a waste of time. It is just getting files off of a CD… which you can get access to elsewhere for virtually free. CDs are a sunk cost… streaming is mainstream now.
Sure someone can come up with a CD that is not available streamed. For me, for three years (at audiophile sound quality levels), I have run into an album not available every few months… but also several hundred albums that I like and do not have on CD. So, this is a real non-issue.