Small, Effective Subwoofers?

In a recent speaker thread that I started there were lots of suggestions of adding a couple of subwoofers to my system. As with my speakers (Legacy Signature SEs) I have little room to place subwoofers They will need to go directly to the left or directly to the right of the main speakers. To the left the maximum height would be 12". 12’ would be great on the outside as well, but I could squeeze a slightly bigger unit in there. Would two 12" subs be sufficient here, or would they be too small for this set up?

If 12’ is OK, do you all have any reasonably priced suggestions as did @nevada_matt withe his 2-10 offering from Tekton. I would have never found those on my own, thanks Matt!

I would be super open to some used subs as a cost savings measure here.


@pedroeb - Thx Pedro, only 2 - channels here, but the B&W looks good!

@narrowfellow - My room is kinda big though. Sounds like a great fir for you though!

SVS has a variety of subwoofer sizes and shapes. You might want to try them. I have an SB 300. I’m in a small room is completely controllable using my iPhone. Quite amazing how you can shape the impedance.


I tried SVS, Klipsch, ELAC 10" subs, with no convincing results. I ended up with the Martin Logan Dynamo 700

I have one Rythmik F12SE ($1,300) between my Revel F228be speakers and it has added a great floor to my system---tight, clean bass. Rythmik is known for making great subs for music.