Genelex Gold Lion KT 88 “burn circles”?

Does anyone know why I bought an amplifier with these tubes, only two of them and there are these black circles on the outside glass of the tube. I don’t know if they’re good or bad and does anyone know if I need to have a matching family quad of KT 88 from Gold Lion or can I add another pair to these brown spotted ones? I see two more brown spotted ones from the UK for sale and I wonder if I should get them to match? Not knowing how old the others that I have obtained on my CARY SLI 80 signature amp. It would be an expensive mistake to buy two more of the same tube. If they are supposed to be bought in a quad, and I do not know the age, hours, on the two Gold Lions that came with the amp which are said to be rare?



Like a broken record, I keep on saying anyone with tube equipment should buy their own tube tester. 



Shops that sell and repair musician's amplifiers will have tube testers.The dark spots happen when the tubes are used.It doesn't mean they are bad necessarily. Gold Lions are not rare,they can be bought new from any retailer that carries the Genelex brand. I'd be curious why an amp that takes four power tubes was sold with only two tubes included. If two went bad was there a problem with the amp?It may need to be serviced 

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