Fee for home audition

I am in the market for a music server/streamer. I was discussing with one of the authorized dealers for a streamer. He had a demo unit and was willing to bring to my home for an hour and let me try. He is located around 10-15 minutes from my home. He wants to charge 5% for home demo. Is this the industry standard? I am not meaning to disparage anyone so not going to name the dealer. I am just trying to see what the standard practice is. 


Thanks for the replies. I was looking at the Grimm mu1. So 5% is not exactly a small amount. 

So this D bag wants to charge you over $600 to try a streamer in your house for an hour! Seems like a totally reasonable request even for a weekend or more. Move on brutha.

5% fee for a piddly home demo time? Or any kind of fee in general?
I’ve been in this hobby for 50 years and shopping from dealers in the high-end strata for over twelve+ years, I have NEVER been set up for a “fee”. And you cannot make a proper assessment in just an hour.


Most likely:

DEALER has already pegged you - either fairly or grossly unfairly - in his own mind already, as an unlikely guy to close the deal post auditions. So he floats the time clock and egregious penalty fee terms to further test the waters with two more cash outcome options for his pocketbook.

option 1 :he sees you as really eager to close if you agree to his terms upfront regardless and especially if you eventually agree to buy it after the time clocked audition

if you ascede to his bizarre request upfront , then he likely brands you as a ripe sales target likely to pay a lot closer to his asking MSRP, and you will likely fritter away most - if not all- of any sales discount he may otherwise offer you.

option 2: If you agree to his bizarre terms upfront but somehow still manage to resist his time clocked sales pressure tactics,

he still hedged his bets and collects a windfall return on a WTF sales call for a piddly time spent out of shop salescall.


He is a must to avoid for me. There are plenty of other audio shops and other peer or better brands to choose from.



Great streamer, but this is just a really, really bad look for the dealer.  Shop around and see where else you might be able to demo it from or contact Grimm, describe the situation, and see if you can work out something with them directly or you’ll just buy another streamer — they won’t wanna lose a sale due to a douchebag dealer.  After finding your other options, tell the dealer he can shove that 5% fee up his a$$ if he wants a shot at making a sale or you’ll just go elsewhere.  This is ridiculous, and I agree with others this guy won’t be in business much longer.  He clearly doesn’t at all get that his best competitive advantage is he has the gear for you to hear versus buying online, and he’s undermining his one and only advantage.  What a greedy dope!

My local dealers let me have anything I wanted for two weeks. I auditioned a pair of speakers, complete set of cables and a power conditioner for two weeks completely free of charge. So id you ask what the standard is, different dealers will for sure have different standards.