One of the great things about Vinyl

Is I find myself listening to recordings all the way through.

Rarely do that with CD's and/or streaming.


Yeah, I've mentioned this ad infinitum but I enjoy the occasional click & pop. When it's old rock and roll I often get a kick out of the wow that occurs when the center hole ain't exactly in the center. Spitty sibilants and buzzy pianos, though, never fail to make my teeth grind.

It is all purely psychological.

Both formats are capable of excellent sound quality. Which one predominates does not depend on any characteristics of the media but rather the quality of the mastering. 

I play records because I have been doing it since I was 4 years old and there is something comforting about the ritual aside form the fact I have thousands of them. I must have hundreds of duplicates in both formats. Which I prefer in any give instance depends not on the format but other factors. 

You can not avoid digital. The vast majority of modern recordings are digital and most older music has been digitized as it is a much better storage medium. It is not that one dislikes digital but rather having a preference for the distortion added by the vinyl process.  

Is I find myself listening to recordings all the way through.

Rarely do that with CD's and/or streaming.

Simple, it's not easy to defy the Law.

One can easily change digital content via smart phone, pc, tablet, remote.

But to change vinyl, one has go get off their butt to fight the Law of Gravity.