Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k

I’m looking for some advice on speaker cables.  I currently have Morrow SP7s and would like to upgrade while keeping under 2k for a 2.5m pair.  Below is a list of my equipment.  

Linn LP12 with circus upgrade and lingo power supply

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cartridge

Herron VTPH-2a phono preamp

ARC LS25 MKII preamp

ARC VT200 power amp

Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniversary Speakers

Interconnects and phono cable are also Morrow 7 series

Thanks in advance for your insights.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbstakston

Prior to upgrading all my cabling from Wire World (4 Electra 7 @$260, Series 8 XLR @ $600 and series 8 speaker cable @ $1500+, and 2 x 15 yo Boutique PCs @ $500) I applied Mad Scientist Audio's Graphene Contact Enhancer to all of them (ditto to all the new cables). That alone was revelatory, and dirt cheap compared to replacing cables, but I read a Agon forum thread about Counterfeit Chinese Cables and tried replacing just my Pangea Premier SE coax ($169) with a Nordost named brand (only the name is copied, still bad, but...) Nordost Odin 2 from DIY HiFi Store at ~ 1/3 the price + free shipping. The only knock being it took 3 weeks from China to S FL, but it was WORTH IT.

I then slowly proceeded to replace everything with the exception of 2 PCs; one to my CorePower 1800 PLC and one to my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 external power supply both from Amazon < $35! and amazing. The XLR interconnect is Odin Gold as are the PCs to my Audiolab CDT6000 and Tweak Audio EVS 1200 power amp. Finally I bought Nordost Odin 2 speaker cables which I eventually replaced with Odin Gold. All in < $1000

since then, Verifi Audio has introduced 2 products that from the user reports are amazing and relatively inexpensive; the Swiss Fuse and the Puron AC power conditioner (see the Agon forums). I haven't gotten them yet, but these plus Graphene Contact Enhancer seems to be must have upgrades before upgrading cables


Amazing how so many put a cable in resulting with sound coming out and think that's the answer and all one really needs.

Grinnel +1. Kimber select might work , they like tubes.MIT  ma series I think TMRaudio.com has them ? You have 15 days to try them.

Call Joe Abrams at Equus Audio for great advice.  If he has something that might work well for your system he will give you a 30 day trial!