Outlets and Wire Gauge? - Please help!

I finally contracted an electrician to run two dedicated lines - a week from today! I have been reading thread after thread and the consensus appears to be going with 10awg wire for the 20amp run. My problem is two-fold:

  1. I'm stuck selecting an outlet because the electrician says that no 20amp outlet can take 10awg, that "10awg is for 30amp outlets".
  2. I'm stuck selecting an outlet because of what it might do to my sound. 

I simply want to install something good that's going to feed a Puritan Audio PSM156. I am now running ADG Gran Vivace monos. I prefer a rich midrange.

Additionally, I asked for both a 15 and 20 amp run. People suggested I do this so my sources can be run off the 15A with amps / subs off of the 20A, but someone here mentioned ground loops? I am not well-versed in things electrical. Ideally I would like to know if I should stick with the two runs, and what would be a few good choices for each outlet if I do. @jea48 @erik_squires ... I have seen solid advice from you on the topic of outlets, but they lack things specific to awg and outlet type.

Thank you in advance!

PS I estimate the length of the run to be approximately 50', max.



I also have the AQ Edison nrg outlets but I am running 10/2 to them. Did you back wire your outlets or wrap the wire around the screw? I found it very difficult to wrap the wire so I back wired mine. The screw seems to clamp down fine but I am wondering if I should try to wrap the wire around the screw. Have you tried both ways and could you hear a difference between the two ? Thanks ! 


Ya why all the post deletions? Is it @jea48 posts getting deleted? His input and knowledge are always well received and appreciated. 

@jea48 Happy to report that both runs were installed with your recommended Leviton 5362-W and the result is better than expected. I should have done this years ago. Despite an hour, plus of research, I cannot find a single outlet equivalent  of the 5362 with a brass back strap. Do you know if they have a single outlet version? Thank you!

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