Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"

I agree with Ray Charles.





However, I can kind of see where he's coming from. Yes, there are only 12 notes in the scale, but how we envision those 12 notes and what we find to be pleasing to the ear and acceptable as a paradigm it's completely based on our Western upbringing. The same can be said for the pentatonic scale if you look into Asian music.

@simao I disagree. What is “pleasing” and “acceptable” is personal preference.  
The arrangement of notes indigenous to other parts of the world may very well be more pleasing to some than that which is predominant in Western-World-based arrangements of notes.  
Of course, for a lot of reasons, Western-World-based views of music have dominated the globe for centuries. That is not necessarily a good thing, but it is a fact nonetheless.  
Especially today, with current technology readily available to such a huge swath of the planet, one can easily access a huge chunk of the cumulative output of Planet Earth’s music. From every neck of the woods.
If one chooses to ignore non-Western music, that is their choice. In my opinion, their loss.  But non-Western music is right there under everyone’s nose at virtually every second of every day.

We can talk about white supremacy, but I see no constructive outcome from saying, “music theory is white supremacy.” 
Even if such an idea was proven to be somehow “truth,” what would we do then? Cease all current teachings of music theory until some U.N.-esque elected body convened to rewrite “musical theory” henceforth? What would that entail? How ultimately constructive would such a thing be?

@tylermunns obviously couldn’t be bothered to watch the video. If he had he would know that the argument is NOT being made against what he obviously thinks it is.

Examined and discussed in the video is not just how race is involved, but also gender, culture, nationality, and several other factors.

@bdp24 No, I didn’t watch the video.
I said my opinion on the subject.
That’s cool that people are talking about this stuff.
Obviously I’m happy to chime in.
My opinions were merely my own. For all I know, the person in the video you suggested is brilliant and says things that make me go, “hooray!”
My post was merely my opinion on the topic and not a reaction to the video you suggested.


Wouldn’t ya just know it: I misspelled Adam’s name. ;-)


At any rate, here’s the video. You may have to back it up to it's beginning.

