What speakers work with low wattage class A amps

Hi everyone. I am setting up a system and have been really impressed by some low volume listening I was able to do through a class A amp. Class A amps usually have lower watts in a given price range, and are not as practical for big power. What speakers have sensitivity that would make sense for an amp with 25 Watts or less (eg some of the entry level class A options from Pass Labs)?  Are we limited to horn speakers? The speakers I have are said to require “high current amps”. Is this a factor as well? Thanks for your help. 


Get yourself a pair of full range speakers from Lii Song audio and put them in a baffle board, the Decware/Caintuck speakers are a good model, wide-open, no back or, sides, and no crossover. They don’t do super loud, but there is some kind of magic there.

I'll second @akg_ca

The de Capos are great speakers, I have the earlier de Capo i in red maple



this month's Stereophile has a review of the Heresey speakers, which are super efficient. The reviewer used a couple flea 2-3 watt amps then used a Parasound 21+ (400wpc@ 8 ohms) which had more balls and sounded more organic


I would think very reasonably priced GaN amps (by comparison to class A) are worth investigating

The Klipsch Heresy IV is the best LIVE sounding speaker that 3K will buy. The soundstage goes wall to wall and I run them with a 2.5 watt Decware amp OR a 400 Watt Gan Peachtree amp.. They sound fantastic with both. Also Tekton Pendragon w/ 7 tweeter array sound wonderful.