What you can drive with 25 wpc depends a lot on how large a room you have, how close to the speakers your listening chair is located, how load you play your system, and how much you are willing to compromise on sound quality during the very brief moments that you actually use close to the 25 available watts. I personally value high quality sound at relatively low volume levels, and I find that high quality low-powered amps tend to be better at lower volume levels than even ultra-expensive high powered amps.
Still, with only 25 wpc or so, it would pay to emphasize higher efficiency speakers. Among the very best high efficiency speakers I've heard are the Charney Audio Companion line of speakers. These come with different choices of driver (all are good but I particularly like the AER driver). I like the Fyne Audio line of coaxial speakers and they are quite efficient. The Audio Note line of speakers are also quite good with this level of power. Devore Orangutan speakers are also fairly easy to drive.
It has been a long while since I heard the 700se, but I am quite familiar with the 30.2 speakers. I know Harbeth recommends high-powered amps for their speakers, but, I really like them with modestly powered tube amps. I particularly like them with the Synthesis A40 amp (40 wpc, two KT66 power tubes per channel, integrated amp with a terrific built-in DAC).