I recently bought a pair of the JBL HDI-3800 speakers. I also own a McIntosh C-2300 preamp. Should I buy a used McIntosh mc402 stereo power amp or try to find a pair of a different brands monoblocks? The new Schiit Tyr has my interest.
I find Mc to have distinct sound. If you like it you like it, but for me I would do something more neutral and cost appropriate. Parasound Halo may be a better tonal balance.
Monoblocs are the icing on the cake when it comes to stereo imaging, micro-detailing, increased soundstage, and lowered noise floor. Once you mono, can't go back.
Monoblocs are the icing on the cake when it comes to stereo imaging, micro-detailing, increased soundstage, and lowered noise floor. Once you mono, can’t go back.
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