Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?

The time has come to put to the people a listening test of some of the better

current "Contenders" in the race for Best Class D GaNFET Sound.


The existing media can not manage such an undertaking for many reasons.

This event will help consumers decide which products best meet their needs.


I have not heard all the players but will suggest these names for inclusion in this comparison.


1. Mola Mola 

2. Atmasphere 

3. AGD

4. Bel Canto

5. NAD

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?


Finale Aavik vs winner of above 


Event will be held either in Seattle or the Bay Area.


We can support about three more brands in this comparison.  

It will be setup as an A/B audience listening event

comparison starting with the two lowest MSRP products.



After the seven A/B comparisons one amp would emerge as the audience favorite.

This winner would then go head to head with the Aavik in the 8th round.


I will plan this for a July-August 2023 event open to the public.


I now open this to further discussion, ideas and suggestions for the last three slots.





Event Update,

I have received a commitment from event organizer Lou Hinkley of PNW

AudioFest June 23-25th held near SeaTac Airport. 


Whale and DHT,

I would love to hear more about the DIYproducts. The event I am planning will take place during the Lou Hinkley's PNW Audiofest June 23-25th. All loaners will be available to return  on Monday the 26th.


The speakers will be high sensitivity, neutral floor standers. Possibly from Lou's Daedalus.

Preamp undetermined yet again a neutral solid state product.


Here’s another vote for the low price leader Premium Audio’s Mini GaN 5. if it’s not in there, you’re just artificially raising the price floor. Not sure I see the point of including tweaked amps, because it no longer is the item that the manufacturer sells, warranty is probably voided, what’s the point? if you go, that route, you might as well include custom built, DIY items that are not even on the market, which would also seem pointless and needlessly complicate the event.

This is going to be a fun session. Looking forward to hear back once all the auditions are done.

Strange list that includes all kinds of things that are not GaN.  NAD M33 is not.  Both the Technics SU-R1000 and SU-G700M2 are,  AGD, Atma-Sphere & Peachtree all make sense.  Aavik is 4x the price of the most expensive other options here, not sure why that makes any sense to compare to the others.