When my beloved Snell speakers got swamped in a flood in my lower level listening room, I had to replace them. I needed speakers of reasonable efficiency as I was driving them with Quicksilver 40 watt tube monoblocks.
I was willing to spend $10,000 on speakers and honestly, found no speaker I could live with and enjoy more than the new KLH5s. Designed well, manufactured to a high standard in Asia, I suspect has a lot to do with being able to deliver a speaker like this at such a low price point.
I live in a big city where there are 5 -6 are brick and mortar hifi shops and got to listen to a lot of speakers. Did I hear other speakers that had better pinpoint imaging...Yes. Did I hear other speakers with better detail...yes. Did I hear other speakers that were overall better... yes but at well above the $10,000 price point. Did I hear other speakers that let me sit back and simply enjoy the music and that made for an engaging musical listening experience...mostly No! But these do.