@alvinnir2 +1 ... I can relate. I’ve had the same experience over many years - decades, actually - w my Epi 100 speakers... I recently went shopping and there were speakers $5000, $7000, $9000 that were MAYBE a little better in bass and imaging, but not by THAT much, and not any better, or at least not by much at all, in the treble, and the Epi still move me (and everybody else that hears them) with their charming, smooth, clear and enjoyable sound quality. Enjoy what you have there; those KLH 5 are supposedly something special, as you attest.
After that recent shopping realization, I did end up w the Heresy IV, because they were different than my Epi’s approach, and they were less expensive than the next closest competitor, to my ears, plus they totally look the old-school business, lol.... so that’s it for now, until I move to Arizona (bye bye California, thanks for the money, lol) when I will get a new-school speaker for the main living area: the Q Acoustics Concept 50. That’ll round out the stable, but two out of the three are old-school design and sound more-than just fine.