Can an IEC socket be too short?

I recently replaced the female end of my custom power cable because the previous plug seemed to not be very tight. It was super easy to cause my Luxman integrated to lose power with just a little motion (1-2 mm).

Well, the new plug does exactly the same thing. So now I’m wondering, is it possible for an IEC socket to be too shallow, or have pins that are too short? Or could it be that because the equipment lacks a ground pin I’m missing grip strength?


You could make the width of the connector tighter by wrapping it with duct tape if that will make it snug,

Duct tape would work but it would be easier to use teflon plumbers tape, the kind used to wrap around the threaded pipe. Easy to precisely adjust the thickness of the wrap and no sticky mess to clean off if you want to remove it.

Or, better yet, get a better power cord. Power cords make a big difference sonically and high quality power cords have very tight fittings. The most recent addition of tight fitting is the AudioQuest storm series… they are so tight that I must hold my 45 - 100 lb components from the front to stop them from moving when plugging in. It would not surprise me if this is why the sound so good. The connector is snug… the conductors are incredibly tight. 

Thanks for posting another valid reason not to use custom aftermarket powercords for phools ta loin!!