Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?

If not why are many hardly using the systems they assembled, why are so many upgrading fairly new gear that’s fully working? Seems to me many are designed to impress reviewers, show-goers, short-term listeners, and on the sales floor but once in a home system, in the long run, they fatigue users fail to engage and make you feel something is missing so back you go with piles of cash.


@johnk there are many high end audio products that last a lifetime with proper maintenance.

The utility you buy at the point of purchase in better made gear remains. Certain things do wear out over time but reputable companies who build serviceable gear are the ones around for the long haul. At least thats the gear I try to buy. Its the additional features that materialize after you’ve bought that usually triggers a new purchase. For you to believe that excellent manufacturers build gear to minimize useful life prematurely is misguded. With that said, good stuff with a long life costs money.

{For you to believe that excellent manufacturers build gear to minimize useful life prematurely is misguded.} Planned obsolesce is a thing I didn’t invent this or imagine it, it exists. Audio products are mostly made from parts from many manufacturers. Manufacturers use planned obsolesce for many reasons and not just to milk you for more cash some things you don’t want to last longer than needed. But most all products factor it in. Why are audiophile products somehow not part of this? Do they all agree with suppliers to forgo any planned obsolesce? Review this and tell me that it doesn’t apply to audio.

  1. a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing, achieved by frequent changes in design, termination of the supply of spare parts, and the use of nondurable materials.

What is your point? Buy an Audio Note Ongaku today versus a twenty year old Ongaku. There have been running changes but the twenty year old amplifier remains an exceptional performer and is completely serviceable. If you purchase compromised products then its a choice you make.

You can still get 50 year old krell amps serviced,  and I'm sure pass labs services their older equipment. Try having a run of the mill mainstream piece of audio equipment serviced, usually doesn't happen.