Tubes for a pre stage... matched NEW or unmatched identical NOS?

I have this question for so long:

On a integrated amplifier that uses a pair of 12au7 tubes (or alternatives) on the preamp section (Rogue Sphinx, for example) what is best option:
a) to have an unmached unbalanced pair of identical NOS tubes
b) to have of matched balanced pair of modern tubes
c) to have balanced 12au7 tubes no matter if they are matching

Once asked JJ why they didn’t offer matched 12au7 type of tubes and the answer was the it is irrelevant for the kind of use they are intended in audio circuitry. Is this right?

My question only makes sense when forced to keep tube-rolling costs down (or tube substitution when the stock ones fail) because the obvious and better choice is matched NOS, like those from Amperex or Mullard.


I always buy a matched pair when there is one per each left / right channel as in this case.  

Also for preamp tubes I request them to be screened for low noise.  

why dont u want matched, balanced NOS? 12AU7 are so, so cheap. RCA cleartop are $20 a pop, and theyre one of the favorites. . 

Visit where everything he has is listed, prices and described very well. Then email Jesse Brent. He offers a 30 return policy.


I’ve never seen that option on preamp tubes! Have you?

From Backert Labs, who make only preamps:

Our Rhythm, Rhumba Extreme, and Rhumba Xphono preamps automatically and continuously adjust the bias that is applied to your tubes, ensuring correct bias at all times.

Adjustment is automatic, requiring no action on the user’s part.

Why is this important? Each pair of tubes requires slightly different bias. The result of our automatic bias adjustment: a circuit that brings out the very best from every tube you insert.

So Preamps Require Tube Biasing?

Actually, no. None of the other tube preamps on the market today, as far as we know, adjusts bias. And they work just fine. In fact our own Rhumba preamp does not adjust tube bias.  And it sounds great. This is because the tube bias, set at the factory, works perfectly with the stock tubes that we supply.

When bias adjustment matters is when you experiment with other brands of 12au7 tubes. Or tubes that are compatible with 12au7, such as 5814A, or CV4003. Some of these will have unusual bias requirements, which can make them sound “not their best” if those unusual bias requirements are not met.


i would always go for matched sets when they appear in serious hifi gear

of course testing does not guarantee the electrical match seen on the tester will persist over the lifetime of the tubes in use, but it is a much better starting point than starting with wildly mismatched ones at the get-go

that said, i agree with others who have said that old stock 12au7’s are still plentiful, and not very expensive

i have over a hundred of them in matched sets collected since the 80’s, mostly american made ones (sylvania, rca, ge and so on) ... happy to assist if anyone here (in the usa) needs some