Should I Keep my Second CD Player?

I have two CD players in my system: an Oppo 105 universal player and a Sim Moon Audio Supernova.

I am keeping the Oppo because it plays everything:   Sacds, Dvd Audio, Blu-Ray and Dvds.

I am on the fence between keeping the supernova or selling it.

Looking for some opinions/comments from the forum members to consider before I make my decision.


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I keep 3. My aged BelCanto Pl-1 which plays SACD and DVD-A much better than my Oppo 105 which I use for Blu-Ray. My main CD player for redbook only is the Spectral SDR-4000SV which is a gem. Based upon this, you know how I feel about keeping more than one cd player.

I agree, hang onto to it.  Who knows what the future availability of CDPs will be.

i Dunno, seems like you could get some nice change for the supernova. For a backup player just grab a $300 Marantz


I have a specific reason to keep both players. If you are into auditioning different cables having a second CD player as a control is a great way to reduce the effect of expectation bias. You can get a good sense of how the two players compare in sound and then when you swap the cables on one of the players you can hear if the sound materially changed. You can do this again and again over a period of weeks and really hear if there is much of a difference. IMO this is a much better way to judge cables (or other CD player tweaks) than long term listening on one player.

I never did get an Oppo so I have 4 CD players, 3 DACs, and one transport so that I can play CD, SACD, HDCD, and DVD Audio. That's more than I need but I sort of collect and keep the ones I like. I almost pulled the trigger on the Wright modified 103 a couple times and I’m pissed that I didn’t.