Bernardo. just adding my 2 cents. I am on my 3rd one, as the previous have been defective. The newest one is doing just fine, SO FAR!!! about 7 months, maybe 8? I have added a Linear power supply from LT Audio and a good grade Anti cable Power cable. I have a very nice system to compliment the unit. It is really divine to listen to Cd's, some still better than others, can't change that, recording process.
With my back ground on the units, all of which were purchased through the Music Room, they have been great with them. The 3rd Unit,upon my request was tested at their facility for any issues, it passed, an now I own it, with A 2 YEAR WARRANTY. Based upon my past experience (maybe just unlucky, as were several others) I would not buy one without a warranty. Don't know anything about your sellers warranty?? I would just be very cautious. Hope this helps. Robert TN They are not CHEAP $$$$$ If it was only 30 or 60 days, That would make me nervous. Good luck!!!