I live in Chicago and will be going to Axpona, as I did last year. My first time I was disappointed by the horrible SQ in the little hotel rooms used by most vendors. The big rooms on the main floor are a different matter. Nonetheless it is worth it to see in person such a huge variety of high-end equipment, and to speak to the many company professionals (in addition to the marketing folks) who find it worthwhile to come to such a show.
A word to out-of-town visitors, though. Many people in for a convention come downtown or to the Near North (Rush Street area). Aside from the traffic (which can get really bad on a Friday or Saturday night - there are lane closures on the inbound Kennedy), things have gotten dangerous. Carjacking and armed robberies are way up, especially in the areas you might likely come to. Flash mobs show up in warmer weather and the new mayor is a police defunder. Just saying.