First SACD to Listen To?

Despite having been an early adopter of CD's (I still have my Magnavox 650 in storage), I have never listened to an SACD. (I have listened to DVD-A's and was very impressed, but we know what happened to that format.)

My CEC TL-1x/Dodson 218 combo does not play SACD, but I have an Oppo 980h which I understand does. If I were to buy one SACD to get a sense of how that format sounds, which would you recommend? I generally listen to folk rock, some jazz, some classical.


Thanks all. I do have both Dark Side of the Moon and Beck's Sea Change on CD and they might be the ones to try on SACD to hear a fair comparison. I recognize the Oppo may not be the best SACD player, but it will have to do for now.

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Patricia Barber "Cafe Blue," Diana Krall "The Girl in the Other Room," or Ryan Adams "Hartbreaker" are all superb sounding SACD's.
Wow!!! Thanks for heads-up on "Sea Change" (SACD) guys. I'm listening to it for the first time as I write. Not cheap these days but well worth every penny.