Luxman L-590AXII vs Pass Labs INT-60

Folks, I was just wondering if any of you guys managed to compare both Luxman and Pass Labs amps in your system or at the dealers. Some brief description on the differences between both amps would be great.

Personally I own the L-590AXII but am curious about the house sound of the INT-60. FWIW I find the Luxman to be very balanced. Although it's a Class A, it does not sound overly warm. The L-590AXII is fairly detailed, refined and nuanced while showing a very slight hint of warmth in the midrange. Bass goes deep and is defined and controlled while the treble is sweet and extended without showing any sibilance or brightness.

In short, I find the Luxman L-590AXII to sound rather neutral, tilting slightly to warmth on the scale. Although it's tuned to sound delicate and refined, the Luxman can rock too and is capable of sounding dynamic and lively when the music calls for it. On the other hand, the same cannot be said about the Accuphase as I read that it sounds quite a bit warmer than the Luxman, sacrificing a little on punch, slam and dynamics. In other words, the Accuphase sounds too smooth with rock or dynamic music.

Hi every body,

Has some one compared the 595 se to the 590 ax II ? 
Steve said if we ve got already the 590, it is not necessary to seek out a 595 unless…

The 595 is 35% more expensive…

The 590 AX II is a darn good integrated amp, not being made any longer. I'll keep mine and will not think of moving up the line. There are other brands of integrated amps that also sound great, just a different flavor of sound ;-)


Great thread guys, been running McIntosh now for 7 years, MA6200 then the MA6600 for the last 4. Looking for a change, we all know how that works. 
Many years ago I had a Class A Musical Fidelity A1 20 watt that was a great little work horse. Ran it for a good 15 years. I stumbled across these reviews and discussions on the Luxman 590 AXII and they got me dreaming. My local dealer has a demo left to sell that has me ready to jump on. They let me hear it through a pair of Harbeth’s just like mine and have to agree there is something special about this amp. Some say a classic one day. At the price I sure hope it’s my forever amp. I’ll update if and when I get my hands on one. Hopefully the McIntosh is sold this weekend. 🤗😎

You can throw the Boulder 866 into the mix.  It has the new sweet musical house sound and it's built like a tank.

I have owned the Pass 60 and upgraded to the 250. I also have a Accuphase 380 in my collection of amps. I have only listen the the Accuphase for about 2weeks since I purchased it new. From the description of the Luxman sound the Accuphase sounds very similar. I would decribe the Accuphase as utterly  neutral without one hint of harshness. It’s almost perfect in sound. The Pass especially the 60 is very musical and colored, but in a good way. Vocals are very tube like and I like to call it magical. The 250 sounds similar to the pass 60, but it more detailed and effortless.

If you like the pass sound its hard to like anything else better. WhenI first played my Accuphase I could not believe how good and how well it was made. Put the Pass back in rotation and I was reminded how good the Pass is. Not saying one is necessarily better that the other, Just if I had to keep only one amp, the Pass would stay.To the person  that started this thread, weather you went with Luxman or pass, I think  you would be happy. Both are very good amps. You ears will have tell you what best for you. Or you can do like me and by both. I have 4 amps because I liked the presentation of all of them.