I feel it is time to upgrade my 1977 system.......

I have been enjoying my Pioneer Spec 1 and Pioneer Spec 2 system for a very long time and I have been having issues that have exhausted my patience and nearest shop is 3 hours (each way) from home.  I only listen to my Music Hall TT that pleases me.  My speakers are from 1976 Altec Lansing Model 19 that have been freshend up and I love the sound, I guess because I have been so accustomed to them and I'm sure there are many diff speaker options but for now I wish to continue with the Altec's.  My quest is to replace my amp and preamp.........I have some logistical problems to deal with.  I have ONE!!!! location for new gear, a shelf that is 51 inchs long and 18 inches from a wall to the front edge of the shelf, shelf will handle 200lbs.  My Pioneer amp has ample power and I would like to remain close to the same amout of power.  If you have some ideas for me I would love to hear them.  Not sure how I feel about tube gear since I have no background at all so I (think) I'd rather not go that route, but feel free to change my mind.  Budget not to exceed 18k including cables.  I know there is a wealth of knowledge here unfortunately I have very little to offer so I thank you greatly in advance......


I have worked on and rebuilt Altec 19's.  When done properly, they are a fine speaker. If you have been happy with your Pioneer Spec Gear, I would stay with Solid state gear, Although 10 watts or more power of tube gear sounds quite good on those.  My instinct right off the bat is to look for 30 to 50 watts of pure class A, Although, I've heard them with the same power Class D with great results also. Look for smooth, yet reasonably detailed gear.  Things have improved since your spec gear, you're in for a treat. 

I found that inexpensive new amps are much better than "vintage" amps... 

how about a new integrated from Anthem, or Arcam, or Marantz?  

These days, you don't have to spend a fortune to get excellent sound, fortunately.  You can spend 18k if you want to... but you could do great for half that or less.

If you're intent on keeping the Altecs, OK... but speakers too have come a long way for the money.  If you like lively and yet with that "audiophile classy sound" and old-school looks: Klipsch Forte IV.  aprox $5000

Neutral and refined and pull a "disappearing act," perhaps something like the Q Acoustics Concept 50, aprox $3000.  



I took a look at your system page, very nice set up! Do you rotate between your Music Reference RM9 (Push-pull) and the Coincident Frankensteins (SET) ? I can imagine both sound wonderful (But different) driving your Altecs. No doubt that either would be terrific with @glm911 Altecs as well. Quality tube amplifiers would surely have those Altecs signing gloriously. He’d be in store for a splendid sonic treat!



It would depend on how intrusive the bulge is from your wallet.  You say you like the sound....leave well enough alone



I do remember a time ago listening to a tube system and was quite taken by it, I loved the warmth of the sound and it immersed my body in a very good way, 

As has been noted, you’ve received very fine feedback and recommendations. You have a generous budget that permits wonderful possibilities. Given your comments about tubes and their positive impressions on you I’d give this some in-depth thought. You definitely have appropriate speakers.
