Infinity IRS 3 or 5


I'm a new owner of the infinity irs 3, need some modification or up grade on the crossover and the emit and emim tweeters. Need some help into making these speaker back to its glory days.



If memory serves, the original crossovers need a redesign, not just new parts.

See if you can find some one who sells upgrade kits online.

May someone redirect me to Bill Le Gall, I'm from Malaysia his compony doesn't do business outside US, may be his email address.

Hi again everybody! (Infinity IRS V speaker)

I'm thinking to upgrade the existing crossover to JL Audio CR1, is it going to be a direct swap or need some upgrade to the tower woofer XLR connectors.

IRS Manual stated.

Control Voltage Outputs, to the woofer tower amplifiers to supply remote on/off signal.

Thanks, regards.
