Admitting my error…

Admitting my error of some years ago, when downsizing residences I sold my 1500 lps (my father’s, uncle’s and my collection :) because, of course nearly everything is available digitally, I am considering getting back into vinyl. Kit-wise I’m looking at Dr. Feikert Venti/J Sikora Initial TT level - full kit approx $15k including phonostage.

The Joseph Audio/Doshi/Aurender/J Sikora room at AXPONA simply blew me away. Switching between amazing digital and uber-rich and detailed analog, I kept returning to the room like the sweets table at a Bar Mitzvah. I understand that at $250K the rig was 2x’s mine (Pathos Heritage/Tannoy Kensignton/Innuous MK3/Phoenix USB/NET/Chord HSM/DAVE w/ SJ DC4 ARC6 lpsu. But still the character of the vinyl sound was utterly entrancing.

My question: If I go this route, I’d like to "restock" my collection to some extent by purchasing a reasonably sized vinyl lot, then add selectively over time. Any recommendations as to lot purchasing? ("Don’t do it!" is an acceptable recommendation.)





I would not do it. If you put the money into your digital end you can achieve the same or better level of sound quality as you would going back into vinyl.


I have a digital and analog end with equaly sound quality and character. They have been that way for a few years. You can see my systems under my ID. This can be achieved at different price points. I am in the middle range where parity can be achieved at roughly the same cost.  if lower or higher some addition investment can  be needed in digital to reach the level of vinyl. Looks like you have sufficient funds to get there possibly exceed analog.

Take your time selecting analog equipment, especially the cartridge and phono preamp. If you want to hear something 90%+ of what you heard at the J. Sikora room, you will probably need to both stretch your budget and buy the phono preamp used. Analog is great, but it is very very expensive and you have to ask what you would get by selling your digital equipment and using the extra money to upgrade your digital.. of course you already have a very good digital system. BTW.. I have the same subs as you, but my room is on the floor above my garage and I had to both invest in a number of bass traps and a very very heavy equipment stand. I did this to limit the feedback through the phono cartridge.

I re-entered vinyl play after wondering the desert for sixteen years. I had about two hundred and fifty albums and an equal number of CDs and cassette tapes. Since I am by nature impatient, I purchased new records to fill in the obvious gap in my selection of years past. I was also introduced to new music by my daughters, much of it ( KPop) really isn’t available, except to stream. That said, I found some great records from Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo and Camilo Cabello at Walmart. I wasn’t expecting much given some of the marketing flash with the colorful vinyl, but I was pleasantly surprised. I’ve visited a couple of semi-local record stores, but I either found my musical knowledge, or the price wanting.

Good Luck … but 100% don’t go analog and cut corners, because great digital is really that good.

If I go this route

Don’t do it, life is to short to start all over from scratch. Instead focus on a GREAT streaming setup and room treatment. If you get your room acoustically pristine even youtube can sound better than it has any right to. I happen to prefer DSD and got a Sony front end from their signature line that can remaster tracks into DSD from any source. Many DAC’s can upsample into higher resolution PCM files. You will be very happy and basically have an infinite catalog from your streamer.

Your system looks great but what about how your room measures? Do you have the FR graph?

Unfortunately, and I am sad to say, the glory days of buying old vinyl at decent prices were over about 5 years ago. Now, with the multitude of new folks wanting to get into vinyl, it is driving their cost to stupid levels. Old CDs are still available for a half way reasonable cost, but it feels like it will also be getting out of reach very soon.

Most suitable answer: Streaming has become king, at least in my system.

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