Clearly there are a few members here, a vocal minority that one person has called a "consensus" that think it is crazy to touch an OEM component and if God (the OEM) had intended you to have a better crossover, he would have given you one.
I’m fine with all those who don’t think it is a good idea. I think they are perhaps trying to come up with a reason why they shouldn’t do it. If it were to become the next hot mod, then they might be subconsciously forced to do it. Like cables.
As for doing A/B, installing a new crossover involves a lot of soldering of wires. In my case there are 6 seperate connections. Building an A/B would be a lot of work and expense. Those of us who have heard the mods, evaluated them technically, and understand what we are achieveing do not need to be convinced that it will sound better. Let me put it this way, there are likely components in the signal path in your speakers that you would shudder if they were in the signal path in your amp. Sand cast resistors that cost $1.99 apiece for one. Remember all those expensive bypass capacitors amp manufacturers use? Your speaker doesn’t have those, but mine will in a couple of weeks.
A friend has very similar speakers to mine. Mine sounded slightly better until he upgraded crossovers. Now every time I go to his house I'm reminded that I need to get my crossover upgrade done.
So don’t anybody feel you need to approve or disapprove of crossover modifications. Just like anything else in life, if it isn’t for you, don’t do it.