Best Speakers for Listening Bar I am building?

Hey, I thought this would be a good place to get some experienced input.


I am building an 1800 sq ft listening bar. The acoustic in the room will be fixed for minimum crowd noise and best hifi sound.  I don't have unlimited budget to work with,,,,but of course want the system to be something for people to come for. Bang for the buck ideas so far are 4 Klipsch La Scalas +subs. I am thinking that the vintage horns will throw a large dynamic soundstage and be kind of vintage fun. Idea 2 is more vintage as in refurbished Voice of the Theaters. Same kind of thing...but even bigger image and dynamics...and definitely a vintage fun thing to experience. Idea 3 is to just go modern BIG with 4 Tekton Moabs or maybe Encores. These are very large and throw a big image and can be quite dynamic..and these would be kind of giant speaker porn...but a good speaker. I don't have money for more exotic ultra expensive choices.                                   

All are very sensitive so tube amps will be used. 

The room is basically 50ft long x 36 deep.

Let me know...I have not heard Voice of the Theaters can't know, but seems good in theory

Bruce f


I have the Double Impact SE.

i did the center tweeter with beryllium. I prefer having the 6” midrange in addition to the array for how I like the music to sound.(just couldn’t afford the encores or ulfberhts)

I imagine if you are going with the horn like sound, you would probably want the moab’s tweeters to be all beryllium.  If encores, all beryllium, or just center tweeter. Or maybe all beryllium on one array?  Lots of choices to specify your sound..

I find that a center beryllium is “bright enough” for me.

You might look at the polycells also.  Those look like they will really have a “horn like” sound to them. At 2500w/ch, bi amped, with an active crossover, nice ss amp low and tube amp mid/high, you could get some amazing power through them if you wanted and still add some extra punch with some 2/4/6-10 powered subs.


yes, I really like tektons..  :-)

A pair of freshen up Altec V of the T A7's 500 series (larger HF horn) would be affordably terrific. They'd need to be raised high enough until at least half of the woofer is higher than the crowd. Go easy with the stereo toe in, experiment. Give a serious listen to running the system in mono with a crowd present. 

I wish I could have kept mine. Massively road worn and patched up driven by a Marantz 8B and lamp cords, more than enough juice. 

Agree for that space - VOTT's.

You'd have to wait for a good condition pair @ a reasonable price unless you are willing to pay for the "bling" units currently offered.

Research updated crossovers for your specific version.



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